A neutron beam facility at SPIRAL-2
X. Ledoux, M. Aïche, G. Ban, G. Barreau, P. Baumann, P. Bem, V. Blideanu, J. Blomgren, S. Czajkowski, P. Dessagne, E. Dupont, D. Doré, T. Ethvignot, U. Fischer, F. Gunsing, B. Jacquot, B. Jurado, M. Kerveno, F. R. Lecolley, J. L. Lecouey, F. Negoita, S. Oberstedt, M. Petrascu, A. J.M. Plompen, F. Rejmund, D. Ridikas, G. Rudolf, O. Shcherbakov, S. P. Simakov and J. Taïeb
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, (2007) 459-462
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ndata:07703