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Cited article:

Measurement of Charged-Particle Emission Double-Differential Cross Section of Fluorine for 14.2 MeV Neutrons

Keitaro KONDO, Isao MURATA, Kentaro OCHIAI, et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 (8) 1146 (2011)

Measurement of Charged-Particle Emission Double-Differential Cross Section of Fluorine for 14.2MeV Neutrons

Keitaro KONDO, Isao MURATA, Kentaro OCHIAI, et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 (8) 1146 (2011)

Verification of KERMA factor for beryllium at neutron energy of 14.2MeV based on charged-particle measurement

Keitaro Kondo, Kentaro Ochiai, Isao Murata and Chikara Konno
Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (10-12) 1674 (2008)