Open Access
ND 2007
Article Number 307
Number of page(s) 3
Section Intermediate and high energy models
Published online 17 June 2008
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007
DOI: 10.1051/ndata:07398

A new treatment of radiation behaviour beyond one-body observables

Koji Niita1, Yosuke Iwamoto2, Tatsuhiko Sato2, Hiroshi Iwase3, Norihiro Matsuda2, Yukio Sakamoto2 and Hiroshi Nakashima2

1  Reasearch Organization for Information Science & Technology (RIST), Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan
2  Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
3  High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan

Published online: 21 May 2008

We propose a new treatment of radiation behaviour in transport calculations by introducing an event generator model in which we combine the nuclear data and the reaction models so as to trace all correlations of ejectiles keeping the energy and momentum conservation in a collision. By this new model, we can estimate the fluctuations around the mean values of one-body observables, for example, the deposit energy distribution in a cell, which cannot be obtained by the transport calculations based on the Boltzmann equation with the nuclear data.

© CEA 2008