Open Access
ND 2007
Article Number 158
Number of page(s) 4
Section Neutron cross section measurements
Published online 17 June 2008
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007
DOI: 10.1051/ndata:07510

The 234U neutron capture cross section measurement at the n_TOF facility

C. Lampoudis1, 2, U. Abbondanno3, G. Aerts2, H. Álvarez4, F. Álvarez-Velarde5, S. Andriamonje2, J. Andrzejewski6, P. Assimakopoulos7, L. Audouin8, G. Badurek9, P. Baumann10, F. Becvár11, E. Berthoumieux2, F. Calviño12, M. Calviani13, 14, D. Cano-Ott5, R. Capote15, 16, C. Carrapiço2, 17, P. Cennini18, V. Chepel19, E. Chiaveri18, N. Colonna20, G. Cortes21, A. Couture22, J. Cox22, M. Dahlfors18, S. David8, I. Dillmann23, C. Domingo-Pardo23, 24, W. Dridi2, I. Duran4, C. Eleftheriadis1, M. Embid-Segura5, L. Ferrant8, A. Ferrari18, R. Ferreira-Marques19, K. Fujii3, W. Furman25, I. Goncalves19, E. González-Romero5, F. Gramegna13, C. Guerrero5, F. Gunsing2, B. Haas26, R. Haight27, M. Heil23, A. Herrera-Martinez18, M. Igashira28, E. Jericha9, F. Käppeler23, Y. Kadi18, D. Karadimos7, D. Karamanis7, M. Kerveno10, P. Koehler29, E. Kossionides30, M. Krticka11, H. Leeb9, A. Lindote19, I. Lopes19, M. Lozano16, S. Lukic10, J. Marganiec6, S. Marrone20, T. Martínez5, C. Massimi31, P. Mastinu13, A. Mengoni15, 18, P.M. Milazzo3, C. Moreau3, M. Mosconi23, F. Neves19, H. Oberhummer9, S. O'Brien22, J. Pancin2, C. Papachristodoulou7, C. Papadopoulos32, C. Paradela4, N. Patronis7, A. Pavlik33, P. Pavlopoulos34, L. Perrot2, M.T. Pigni9, R. Plag23, A. Plompen35, A. Plukis2, A. Poch21, J. Praena13, C. Pretel21, J. Quesada16, T. Rauscher36, R. Reifarth27, C. Rubbia37, G. Rudolf10, P. Rullhusen35, J. Salgado17, C. Santos17, L. Sarchiapone18, I. Savvidis1, C. Stephan8, G. Tagliente20, J.L. Tain38, L. Tassan-Got8, L. Tavora17, R. Terlizzi20, G. Vannini31, P. Vaz17, A. Ventura39, D. Villamarin5, M.C. Vincente5, V. Vlachoudis18, R. Vlastou32, F. Voss23, S. Walter23, M. Wiescher22 and K. Wisshak23

1  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2  CEA/Saclay-DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
3  Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Trieste, Italy
4  Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
5  Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Madrid, Spain
6  University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
7  University of Ioannina, Greece
8  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/IN2P3-IPN, Orsay, France
9  Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
10  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/IN2P3-IReS, Strasbourg, France
11  Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
12  Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
13  Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy
14  Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Padova, Italy
15  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Nuclear Data Section, Vienna, Austria
16  Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
17  Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN), Lisbon, Portugal
18  CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
19  LIP-Coimbra & Departamento de Fisica da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
20  Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bari, Italy
21  Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
22  University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA
23  Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (FZK), Institut für Kernphysik, Germany
24  Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC-Universidad de Valencia, Spain
25  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Dubna, Russia
26  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/IN2P3-CENBG, Bordeaux, France
27  Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
28  Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
29  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Physics Division, Oak Ridge, USA
30  NCSR, Athens, Greece
31  Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna, and Sezione INFN di Bologna, Italy
32  National Technical University of Athens, Greece
33  Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, Universität Wien, Austria
34  Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, Paris La Défense, France
35  CEC-JRC-IRMM, Geel, Belgium
36  Department of Physics-University of Basel, Switzerland
37  Università degli Studi Pavia, Pavia, Italy
38  Instituto de F´isica Corpuscular, CSIC-Universidad de Valencia, Spain
39  ENEA, Bologna, Italy

Published online: 21 May 2008

The neutron capture cross-section of 234U has been measured for energies from thermal up to the keV region in the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF, based on a spallation source located at CERN. A 4π BaF2 array composed of 40 crystals, placed at a distance of 184.9 m from the neutron source, was employed as a total absorption calorimeter (TAC) for detection of the prompt γ-ray cascade from capture events in the sample. This text describes the experimental setup, all necessary steps followed during the data analysis procedure. Results are presented in the form of R-matrix resonance parameters from fits with the SAMMY code and compared to the evaluated data of ENDF in the relevant energy region, indicating the good performance of the n_TOF facility and the TAC.

© CEA 2008