Open Access
ND 2007
Article Number 297
Number of page(s) 4
Section Intermediate and high energy models
Published online 17 June 2008
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007
DOI: 10.1051/ndata:07673

A fully microscopical simulation of nuclear collisions by a new QMD model

Maria Vittoria Garzelli

University of Milano, Department of Physics, and INFN, Sezione di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy

Published online: 21 May 2008

Nucleon-ion and ion-ion collisions at non relativistic bombarding energies can be described by means of Monte Carlo approaches, such as those based on the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model. We have developed a QMD code, to simulate the fast stage of heavy-ion reactions, and we have coupled it to the de-excitation module available in the FLUKA Monte Carlo transport and interaction code. The results presented in this work span the projectile bombarding energy range within 200--600 MeV/A, allowing to investigate the capabilities and limits of our non-relativistic QMD approach.

© CEA 2008