Issue |
ND 2007
Article Number | 221 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Benchmarking for fission applications | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 June 2008 |
DOI: 10.1051/ndata:07332
A comparison of reaction rate calculations using ENDF/B-VII with critical assembly measurements
C. Wilkerson, M. Mac Innes, D. Barr, H. Trellue, R. MacFarlane and M. ChadwickLos Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Published online: 21 May 2008
We present critical assembly reaction rate data, and modeling of the same using the recently released ENDF/B-VII library. While some of the experimental measurements were performed as long as 50 years ago, the results have not been widely used/available outside of Los Alamos. Over the years, a variety of target foils were fabricated and placed in differing neutron spectrum/fluence environments within critical assemblies. Neutron-induced reactions such as (n,γ), (n,2n), and (n,f) on these targets were measured, typically referenced to 235U(n,f) or 239Pu(n,f). Because the cross section for the latter reactions are now well known, these experiments provide a rich data set for testing evaluated cross sections. Due to the large variety of critical assemblies that were historically available at Los Alamos, it was possible to make measurements in spectral environments ranging from hard (Pu Jezebel, center of Pu Flattop) through intermediate (Big Ten) to degraded (reflector region of Flattop). This broad range of configurations allows us to test both the cross section magnitudes and their energy dependencies. We will present data, along with reaction rate predictions using primarily MCNP5 in conjunction with ENDF/B-VII, for a number of target nuclei, including iridium, isotopes of uranium (e.g., 233, 235, 237, 238), neptunium (237), plutonium (239), and americium (241).
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